Here’s what you need to know:Defendant Ma Chun-man believed that Hong Kong’s national security law protected free speech and wanted to test that for himself, his lawyer argued in court.Ma expressed support for Hong Kong independence on 20 separate occasions last year, which his lawyer conceded was “immature and childish”.The judge was sceptical about whether Ma’s words could be dismissed as empty talk, given the suspect’s multiple arrests over similar conduct.A Hong Kong man standing trial for airing independence views had “no intention to incite secession” and was merely testing free speech protections under the city’s national security law, his lawyers told the District Court on Tuesday.Ma Chun-man, 30, is the second person to be tried under the 15-month-old national security law, on one count of inciting secession. He allegedly chanted slogans, held up placards and spoke publicly in favour of Hong Kong independence on 20 occasions between August 15 and November 22 last year, according to the prosecution.Concluding the four-day trial, defence counsel Edwin Choy said that Ma might have acted immaturely but there was no criminal intent. His client was only trying to prove the national security law was “no scourge” and that free speech was still protected, Choy said.The defendant’s various expressions of protest were just “empty slogans” without substance, and he never took actual steps to bring about Hong Kong independence, Choy added. Nor did he ever gain any followers despite drawing the moniker “Captain America 2.0” for his choice of protest outfit or shouting himself hoarse at rallies, which he attended regularly, the defence argued, citing video evidence submitted by the prosecutors.District Judge Stanley Chan focused his line of questioning on Ma’s intent, noting that the defendant continued to chant independence slogans even after he was arrested time and again. The judge said Ma had made a “unilateral interpretation” of what was lawful and what was not, as though he were a legal expert. He said that not even judges or barristers would dare come to such conclusions so soon after the national security law came into effect.The law was enacted on June 30 last year, and Ma has been remanded in custody since November. He will receive his verdict on October 25 and could be jailed for up to seven years upon conviction. The concept of ‘incitement’ again plays a key part in a national security trial.In his closing submissions on Tuesday, Choy said that Ma wanted to be a “touchstone” – meaning a test of quality – for Hong Kong’s national security law, which guarantees freedom of speech and other fundamental rights.At a rally last year, Ma said the offence of subversion required evidence of concrete actions, and that words alone could not violate the national security law, according to evidence cited by Choy. “I want to prove to everyone that the slogans I shout are part of Hongkongers’ civil liberties,” Ma was quoted as saying at another rally.Chan asked: “What gave him the right to act as a touchstone?”The judge noted that Ma had been arrested six times in the period specified by the prosecution. Following one such arrest in October, Ma spoke to the press after getting bail and compared his experience to getting a slap on the wrist for jaywalking, which Chan said seemed to show he was not taking the law seriously.Choy conceded that his client had an “immature understanding” of the law and did not fully appreciate the gravity of the situation. However, he argued that key to the case was whether Ma had an intent to incite others when shouting the slogans, which he said the prosecution failed to prove.“When he shouted, his intent was not to ask others to commit secession. It was just to get others to shout together with him and to vent their feelings,” Choy said. “The defendant believed that Hongkongers were free to say anything they wanted… He didn’t think he was breaking the law.”Choy also downplayed Ma’s more militant slogans – such as calls for armed resistance – which the defence lawyer said were meant as “colourful” exaggerations unsupported by any solid planning. The judge countered that Ma might have meant the words in a more literal sense, given he had used them on so many occasions.“If you go to the Capitol Hill of some other country and shout anti-government slogans, even without banners or props, I believe you will get arrested,” the judge added.Choy drew attention to the fact that Ma’s slogans were almost always ignored, but the argument was dismissed by the judge. The prosecution was not required to show that anyone was influenced by Ma’s actions in order to prove him guilty of incitement, Chan said. “Even if onlookers consider him immature or deranged, that doesn’t change things.”Mere words without a complete proposal is still enough to incite, prosecutors say.Last week, prosecutors argued that Ma championed the cause of Hong Kong independence by chanting slogans, displaying placards and giving interviews to the media. They said that Ma also urged the public to prepare for an armed uprising and called for Hong Kong independence to be discussed in schools.Lead prosecutor Laura Ng said on Tuesday that Ma’s words alone could constitute a criminal act, even if he had nothing to back it up. His words had to be viewed in context, and his 20 appearances in question were often connected to Hong Kong’s protest chronology in 2019, for example, marking the anniversary of an important date, she said.“There was a pattern to his choice of location. In the beginning, he chose shopping centres, but later he went to landmark locations such as the government headquarters and police stations,” Ng told the court. “He wanted to attract eyeballs.”The defence agreed Ma’s conduct was meant to draw attention, but argued that the national security law was not meant to “prohibit acts that are trivial, silly, or for the sole purpose of attention-seeking”.Ma only wanted to chant slogans “for his amusement” and became engrossed in the activity, Choy said, a claim which drew a quick rebuke from the judge. “What’s so amusing about it?” Chan asked, saying that Ma seemed to be serious about what he was saying.Earlier in the trial, the prosecution established that Ma had set up a Telegram channel for the purpose of promoting protests, and police had found a notebook with the words “Captain America’s diary of resistance” at his home. Prosecutors relied mostly on what Ma said at the rallies, while the defence said that the words on social media and in the notebook could not be definitively attributed to Ma.By Holmes Chan。
香港民意研究所最後一輪選前民調記招發佈後,選舉日,主席鍾庭耀也在 Twitter 上宣稱「決定渡過無憂無慮的一天」,每小時公佈投票率,自設競猜投票率比賽,不忘囑咐粉絲別期待他回覆;副行政總監鍾劍華那天選擇「躺平」,僅間或留意投票率數字。 查看文章
考古學家以數碼技術,在不打開木乃伊情況下,揭示了古埃及法老阿蒙霍特普一世(Pharaoh Amenhotep I)的真面目。 查看文章
亞馬遜智能語音家居助手 Alexa 建議一名 10 歲美國女童將一枚硬幣觸碰一個未完全插入插座的插頭,女童母親在 Twitter 公開事件。 查看文章
緬甸邊境地區克耶邦上周五(24 日)平安夜,有至少 35 人被殺,當中包括婦孺,當地傳媒和組織指是政府軍所為。國際慈善組織救助兒童會(Save the Children)周二(28 日)證實,遇害者包括他們兩名失蹤的工作人員。 查看文章
俄羅斯最高法院下令當地最著名人權組織「國際紀念館和人權中心」(Memorial International,下稱紀念館) 解散,理由是「紀念館」未有按法律要求在網站上標注為「外國代理人機構」。 查看文章
全港擁有 4 間分店的健身中心 Goji Studios 今(28 日)起全線結業,會籍過渡至另一健身中心 Physical 舒適堡。 查看文章
(22:50 更新社署回應)香港保護兒童會轄下嬰幼兒院舍「童樂居」,早前爆出虐兒醜聞,包括被掌摑、扯頭髮、拍打頭部等,並累計有 18 名幼童留醫,事件中有 3 名職員被捕。 查看文章
香港海關今宣布(28日)搗破一宗涉嫌洗黑錢案,涉款逾 3.8 億港元,疑犯為兩姐弟,分別 28 歲和 21 歲,被指於 2019 年 5 月,至 2020 年 1 月,以個人銀行戶口,包拾虛擬銀行,以及虛擬貨幣交易平台洗黑錢,兩人均涉逾千宗交易,警方指不排除背後有人操控。 查看文章
2021 是禁語之年。有些口號不能再喊、有些電影沒法公映、有些演唱會無法開咪、有些書籍被圖書館下架、舊香港電台被閹割倒下……噤聲之後,剩下來的,除了恐懼和寂靜,還有……希望。 查看文章
本港今(28日)新增 6 宗輸入個案,其中 5 宗疑涉及 Omicron 變種病毒,包括兩名機組人員。另一宗疑涉及 Omicron 的初步確診個案同為機組人員。 查看文章
香港記者協會年度周年晚宴,因疫情關係延遲了年半,今(28 日)晚舉行。記協主席陳朗昇早前透露,部分去年已承諾贊助的機構、企業,表明不需要公開鳴謝,記協有如「生人勿近」。 查看文章
政府今晚圍封兩區強檢,繼在晚上 7 時起圍封愉景灣蘅峰曦欣閣後,再在晚上 8 時 30 分圍封屯門嘉悅半島1座。兩處圍封行動分別預計在明早 6 時及 7 時完成。 查看文章
在全港有 4 間分店的健身中心 Goji Studios 今(28 日)起全線結業,會籍過渡至另一健身中心 Physical 舒適堡。 查看文章
37 歲男警去年任觀塘區議員謝淑珍義工期間,涉嫌向 3 名因租務糾紛而求助的街坊索取共 2,400 元作報酬。他否認 3 項代理人索取利益罪,今(28 日)在觀塘裁判法院續審。 查看文章
2016 年牛頭角淘大時昌迷你倉大火導致兩名消防員殉職,死因研訊今( 28 日)日繼續。研訊主任質疑,既然助理消防區長鄺健洪留在地面指揮,為何高級消防區長盧錦榮及消防區長謝德輝帶領各隊前往 3 樓火場後,仍要重返地面,未有留在 3 樓觀察火場情況。 查看文章
香港旅遊發展局將於今年除夕(31 日)晚,在西九文化區藝術公園大草坪舉行跨年演唱會,MIRROR、許廷鏗、AGA 等多名歌手任表演嘉賓,屆時 ViuTV 99 台亦會直播,西九文化區管理局傳訊及公共事務總經理吳璟儁指,當日會實施人流管制及道路封閉,假如人流太多,園區有機會暫時關閉,停止讓市民進入。 查看文章
2019 年 8 月 11 日,全港多區有集會,入夜後演變成快閃圍堵行動,多人在太古站外被捕。10 人事隔兩年被警方起訴,其中8人今於東區裁判法院否認非法集結,裁判官溫紹明押後案件至明年2月28日作審前覆核,控方透露共有38名證人,期間各被告獲准繼續保釋,其中一被告另林韋丞承認一項無牌管有無線電通訊器具罪,留待審訊時一併處理。 查看文章
在全港有 4 間分店的健身中心 Goji Studios 今(28 日)起全線結業,會籍過渡至另一健身中心 Physical 舒適堡。 查看文章
教育局要求全港中小學今年 8 月提交「維護國家安全及國家安全教育相關措施」工作計劃報告。教育局長楊潤雄曾稱,逾 9 成學校已成立小組或設專職人員,統籌國安教育相關工作。 查看文章
2021 年即將完結,中國官媒《新華社》今日( 28 日)發表題為「這一年,愛國情懷湧動香江」的香港年結文章,提到今年是共產黨建黨 100 周年,一系列大型主題展覽以及《長津湖》等主旋律電影走進香江,「中國共產黨和中華人民共和國的偉大歷史深深震撼了香港觀眾的心靈,引發強烈共鳴」;又指港府推出「公民及社會發展科」重視培養學生正面價值觀和國民身份認同,「是香港教育系統性正本清源、撥亂反正的一項重要舉措。 查看文章
勞工處處長孫玉菡早前表示,如果工會工作偏離《職工會條例》標準,會考慮取消登記。《商業電台》今日播出孫玉菡的訪問,他被問到以工會名義悼念南京大屠殺,會否違反規例,他指這種悼念涉愛國情懷、民族重要性,應按常理對待;但當被問到悼念六四事件,他則指如果收到投訴、處方在公眾媒體上看到工會做明顯超越職工會會做的事,有責任跟進。 查看文章
中國本月初向聯合國通報,指全球首富馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 旗下太空科技公司 SpaceX 所發射的衛星,今年兩度「近距離接近」中國太空站,令中方被迫實施兩次「緊急避碰」措施。 查看文章
前港腳卓耀國今年初在將軍澳淋紅油追數被捕,他早前承認 3 項刑事毀壞罪,兩案原被判接受感化一年。惟本月進度報告指,卓在感化期間尿液樣本屢被驗出有大麻酚,又數度失約感化官,法庭下令他還押候判。 查看文章
過去因為流感病毒外殼有不斷變化的結構,所以每年都需要接種新的疫苗預防流感感染。不過上周刊於《自然》的研究指,情況可能很快就會改變,因為有美國團隊發現流感病毒外殼上有個稱為錨 (anchor) 的部分,似乎於多種流感病毒株之間共通。 查看文章
有「緬甸男神」、「地表最帥和尚」之稱的 24 歲緬甸演員、歌星及模特兒帕他空 (Paing Takhon) 因參加今年 2 月軍事政變後的大規模抗議活動而被判 3 年勞改。 查看文章
四男子被指於 2019 年 10 月中,在九龍塘港鐵站出口外,點燃汽油燃燒閘機,並駕車接應同伙,被控串謀意圖危害生命而縱火等罪,其中兩人先後認罪,另外 33 歲技術員及 41 歲山坡除草工人則不認罪受審,今(28 日)在區域法院裁決。 查看文章
內地與香港通關仍未有確實日期,不少欲北上過年的市民近日陸續提早離境,以滿足香港入境深圳後的 21 日隔離檢疫要求。實政圓桌立法會議員田北辰今日(28 日)指,據他了解,北京早在立法會選舉前已就通關拍板,準備選舉後公布,但現時仍未有消息,他形容是「傳統大門開咗,小門未開」,即深圳、珠海對 Omicron 變種病毒有憂慮。 查看文章
以色列爆發禽流感,至少 5,200 隻候鳥死亡,並要撲殺數十萬隻雞作為預防家禽間爆發的措施。當局指,在北部胡拉山谷自然保護區見到大量鶴的屍體,亦有染疫的鶴作最後掙扎;有穿著保護衣的護林員從胡拉自然保護區的湖泊和外圍沼澤地收集鶴的屍體。 查看文章
前北京學運領袖王丹母親王凌雲去世,享年86歲。王丹在社交網站指,身在北京的母親突發腦出血,搶救無效去世,雖事出突然,但母親沒有經歷太多痛苦,他感到安慰同時亦心碎,「但剩下我,面對將伴我一生的痛苦,悲傷,永久的遺憾,和無盡的思念。 查看文章
包括港大微生物學系講座教授袁國勇等3名港大專家今日在《明報》撰文,指市民抗疫近兩年疲態漸露,久守必失,建議本港以疫苗護照等措施推高接種率,目標明年7月前達99%免疫及完成3針接種。 查看文章
蘇丹 10 月爆發軍事政變,軍方解除總理哈姆杜克職務。民眾認為軍方損害蘇丹民主化,激烈反抗,又奉哈姆杜克為反軍方的英雄。 查看文章
日本遇寒流,多處下大雪。青森積雪逾兩米,滋賀各處重災區。受阻乘客近廿萬,車輛停濟路中央。大雪高鋒料已過,惟下一波在新年。 查看文章
美國總統拜登早前指,中國政府人權紀錄不佳,外交杯葛北京冬奧;但中國外交部昨日證實,美國政府已向中國提出派 18 名官員赴華,在北京冬奧期間為美國運動員提供安全和醫療支持。 查看文章
中國最大叫車平台滴滴出行今年 7 月赴美上市,但受中國嚴厲規管打擊。此後,中國企業均暫停赴美上市,等候政府釐清境外上市規定。 查看文章
中國社交媒體軟件 TikTok 超越 Google,成 2021 全球流量最高網站。澳洲總理莫理遜去年曾質疑 TikTok 將個人資料傳送到中國。 查看文章
在全港有 4 間分店的健身中心 Goji Studios 宣佈明日起(28 日)全線結業,所有會員剩餘之會籍及私人教練課程等服務,將過渡至另一健身中心 Physical 舒適堡。 查看文章
政府今晚(27 日)公布,自 10 時半起封鎖石塘咀南里 1 號南里壹號,居民需要接受強制檢測。政府指,封區是由於今日發現一宗曾在上址居住的初步確診個案,初步顯示涉及變異病毒株。 查看文章
亞洲空手道錦標賽於本月 20 至 22 日在哈薩克舉行,日本、台灣等地陸續有多名運動員返國後染疫。港隊 5 名空手道運動員,包括曾於 2021 年全運會個人形摘銅的劉知名、梁文謙,上周五(23 日)在哈薩克完成亞錦賽返港後,檢測呈陽性反應,已送院治療。 查看文章
萬千星輝頒獎典禮 2021 本周日( 1 月 2 日)舉行,但由 TVB 合資的內地平台「埋堆堆」,上周在微博發布入圍名單時疑「河蟹」台慶頒獎禮入圍名單。 查看文章
港大榮休教授黎青龍是肝臟權威 — 他其實不喜歡「休」這個字。他希望一輩子都教下去,研下去 — 但年屆 70,港大要他「退休」,他只能接受。 查看文章
Marvel 超級英雄片《蜘蛛俠:不戰無歸》在香港以至世界各地均十分叫座。根據由 IMDB 旗下網站 Box Office Mojo 數據,《蜘蛛俠》全球票房已達 10.5 億美元,超越中國電影《長津湖》,成為 2021 年全球票房最高電影。 查看文章
又一年疫下聖誕,香港人繼續不能出外旅遊,有市民選擇到郊外露營過節。今日(27 日)是聖誕長假最後一天,在露營勝地塔門,廢棄帳篷、炭和燒烤叉留在草地上,但物主已離開。 查看文章
由國務院新聞辦公室主管的中國人權研究會今(27日)發表《美國人權政治化行徑毀損人權善治根基》研究報告,報告批評,美國為了維護自身的政治利益和全球霸權地位,在國際人權領域大搞「人權政治化」,「採取選擇性、雙重標準、單方面強制等手段,嚴重侵蝕了全球人權治理賴以支撐和運行的重要基礎,對全球人權事業發展構成重大威脅,產生了極其惡劣的破壞」。 查看文章
國家衛健委公布,內地昨日(26 日)新增 200 宗新冠病毒確診個案,包括 162 宗本土病例,當中陜西佔 152 宗.另外,澳門發現首宗 Omicron 輸入個案。 查看文章
本港今(27日)新增 9 宗輸入個案。另外早前確診的個案之中,再多 14 宗證實涉及 Omicron 變種。本港至今已錄得共 58 宗 Omicron 個案。 查看文章
變種病毒 Omicron 個案在全球擴散,食物及衛生局長陳肇始及醫管局高層今日(27日)視察醫院情況是否足以應對疫情爆發,陳肇始之後見傳媒,指 Omicron 變種病毒來勢洶洶,對香港的風險高,由於 Omicron 傳播速度極快,預期香港一有社區爆發,傳染速度會很快,已制定應變措施,包括如疫情進一步爆發,社交距離措施亦會相應調整。 查看文章
香港《蘋果日報》被迫停刊距今 6 個多月,壹傳媒臨時清盤人早前要求台灣《蘋果日報》移交資產,台灣文化部早前致函台蘋,表示台蘋應拒絕清盤人任何指令及要求。 查看文章
曾著有多部關於中國歷史著作的耶魯大學榮譽教授史景遷(Jonathan D. Spence),於美國時間 26 日離世,終年 85 歲。 查看文章
政府日前宣佈,元旦日起,無論是打復必泰還是科興,所有已打兩針滿 6 個月的合資格人士,均可接種第三針疫苗,不過接種中心同日起由 21 間減至 10 間。 查看文章
2021 年即將完結,中國官媒《新華社》今日(27日)發表香港年結文章,指 2021 年是載入香港發展史冊的重要年份。在社會各界「熱盼」的國安法震懾護持下,犯法的反中亂港分子正受應有制裁,反中亂港組織紛紛鳥獸散,香港撥亂反正取得實質性進展,由亂到治局面不斷鞏固。 查看文章